In 2000, with the new millennium, the desire to reflect on our past comes, to value our history and the men who made it. A long and tiring path, made of such dedication and work. In collaboration with a top graphics design studio, we had the great idea, as always happens also the most natural and simple, that was been always there. We have to take our identity in a clear and modern way without inventing anything. What we had to do was stop and observe the choice made many years ago for the same purpose: to create an identity, a symbol, a trademark.
Over the entrance of our historic cellar was carved a brand and there, also our identity. The arch collapsed during the earthquake of 1980 was taken up, studied and repositioned as at origin to mark the entry into our world.
On that arch, the company's leader at the time, proud of his work and eager to celebrate the growth of his business, decided to call the best local stonemason to imprint an indelible mark, to put a milestone in the long business path of Cefalo family. So in a sunny day in 1929, Ciriaco Cefalo went to Mirabella Eclano, about a half hour journey on horseback, to meet the artist to who commit the important task. There, after a day of discussion, they decided what to do. Three weeks after the piece of stone is carved, ready to be placed. The woven double C was born from the initials of Ciriaco Cefalo name, that for a long time and still now, is present in the company depending on ancient tradition of South Italy to choose for the first child the name of his grandfather as a sign of continuity. In the 90s will be exactly the grandson Ciriaco, with the same name of his grandfather, to retrace in an admirable way the path marked out by his grandfather, strong of the same energy and determination.
The actual trademark was born from the found stone and from his graphic and geometrical reconstruction of the drawing, read in a modern way. With strength and pride trademark revives, rich in meaning and memories on a sheet of paper printed by a modern computer. And there it's on that table, ready to travel the world, ambassador of our corporate philosophy and our long tradition.